MRI Registry Review Program
The MRI Registry Review Program consists of 12 separately accredited StudyModules which present a detailed discussion that strictly adheres to the Content Specifications for the MRI certification Exam offered by ARRT. The course is intended for technologists who need an effective way to prepare for, and pass, the MRI Exam. MIC offers a Money Back Guarantee that technologists who complete this course will pass ARRT’s MRI Exam, or MIC will refund the tuition for this course. Please see the Registration Form for details.
33 Category A CE credits |
Experienced MRI technologists |
Pass the ARRT Exam or your money back! |
- StudyModules
- Post-Tests
- StudyProgress Reports
- StudyGuidelines
- Certificate of Achievement
- Targeted CE
The MRI Registry Review Program self-study course consists of 12 comprehensive StudyModules that are delivered to you all at once in a handy reference binder. Each StudyModule contains easy-to-follow text with an abundance of illustrations, clinical images and summaries, written in the language of the radiologic technologist.
- Fundamentals of MRI
- Electromagnetism
- Protons
- Net Magnetization of Protons
- Precession
- Larmor Equation, Gyromagnetic Ratio
- RF Energy, Resonance
- Longitudinal Direction
- Transverse Plane
- T1 Relaxation
- T2 Relaxation
- TR, TE
- Spatial Localization
- Phase and Frequency
- Gradients and Larmor Equation
- Slice Selection
- Frequency Encoding (Readout)
- Phase Encoding
- Raw Data (K-Space)
- Fourier Transform
- MRI System Components
- System Overview
- Radiology Network
- Types of Magnets- Superconductive, Permanent, Resistive
- RF System – Coils, Transmit/Receive, Coil Tuning
- Gradient System – Coils, change mag. field, Amplitude, Rise Time
- Shimming – Homogeneity, Active, Passive
- Magnetic Shielding
- RF Shielding
- Quality Control
- MRI Pulse Sequences
- Spin Echo
- Fast Spin Echo
- Inversion Recovery
- Gradient Echo, Spoiled and Steady State
- Fast Gradient Echo
- Echo Planar Imaging
- MR Imaging Parameter
- TR, TE, TI
- Flip Angle
- Slice Thickness, Gap and Slice Order
- FOV, RFOV and Matrix
- Parallel Imaging
- Echo Train Length
- # of Signal Averages
- Receiver Bandwidth
- Magnetization Transfer Contrast
- Motion Artifact Control Techniques
- Saturation Pulses
- Flow Compensation
- Fat Suppression
- Physiological Gating & Triggering
- Volume Imaging and Multiplanar Reconstruction
- 3D vs 2D Acquisition
- Scan Time
- Applications of Volume Imaging
- Determining Slice Thickness
- Definition of Voxel
- Post-processing – MPR, Surface Rendering, Volume Rendering, MIP, Subtraction
- Isotropic vs. Anisotropic Data
- Special MRI Procedures
- Appearance of Flow
- Time-of-Flight MRA
- Maximum Intensity Projection
- Phase Contrast MRA
- Contrast Enhanced Angiography
- Functional MRI
- Diffusion Weighted Imaging
- Perfusion Imaging
- Spectroscopy
- MRI Safety and Patient Care
- Ethical and Legal Issues
- Screening – Patients, Personnel, Equipment
- Safety Labels and Access Zones
- Emergency Procedures – Quench, Fire, Code
- RF Concerns – SAR, Coils, Cables, FDA, RF Shielding
- Magnetic Field Concerns – Gauss Lines, Metal Projectiles, FDA, Magnetic Shielding
- Contrast Agents – Types, Administration, Mechanism, Dose, Adverse Reactions, Safety, Lab Tests
- Acoustic Noise
- Claustrophobia and Anxiety
- Pregnancy Issues
- Infection Control
- The MRI Exam and Anatomy, Part I
- Patient Positioning, Coil Selection, Image Orientation and Anatomical Detail of the Head, Neck, Spine, Abdomen and Pelvis
- The MRI Exam and Anatomy, Part II
- Patient Positioning, Coil Selection, Image Orientation and Anatomical Detail of the Thorax, Joints and Vasculature
- MRI Artifacts
- Aliasing or Wrap – No Frequency Wrap, No Phase Wrap
- Truncation – Raw Data Filters
- The Gibbs Artifact
- Chemical Shift – Wider Receiver Bandwidth
- Magnetic Susceptibility – Don’t Use Gradient Echo
- Partial Voluming – Thinner Slices, 3D
- Flow – Flow Compensation
- Other Motion – Swap F&P, Presaturation, Triggering/Gating
- RF in Raw Data – Rescan, Equipment Failure
After you complete each StudyModule, there is a multiple choice Post-Test. Simply fill in the Post-Test Answer Sheet and return it to us using one of the following options:
- Use the postage-paid return envelope
- Fax your Answer Sheet for faster feedback
- Email it to CE@micinfo.com for the quickest results
Of course, all program information and Post-Test results are treated with the utmost confidentiality.
Each StudyModule has been separately accredited so you earn Category A credits as you pass each Post-Test, up to 33 with the MRI Registry Review Program!
After we grade each Answer sheet, we send you a StudyProgress Report that includes your Post-Test score and the official notification of the Category A CE credits earned for that Post-Test.
As you complete each Post-Test, you also receive a set of StudyGuidelines which presents detailed explanations of each and every Post-Test question! StudyGuidelines offer additional information not found in the StudyModules and provide you with guidance back to the specific section that you need to study further.
An Answer Key is provided once you achieve a score of at least 75%. If you score below 75%, an additional Answer Sheet is provided, and you are offered another chance at the Post-Test after you study the material further. StudyProgress Reports and StudyGuidelines are sent to you via first class mail, normally within two business days after we receive your Post-Test answers.
You are awarded the final Certificate of Achievement after you earn the Continuing Education credits for all the Study Modules.
The MRI Registry Review Program fulfills ARRT’s entire 16 credit Structured Education Requirement for the Discipline of Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
Targeted CE per ARRT’s Discipline, Category, and Subcategory classification:
[Note: Discipline-specific Targeted CE credits may be less than the total Category A credits approved for this course.]
StudyModule 1 [2.25 credits]:
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging: 2.25
Image Production: 2.25
Physical Principles of Image Formation: 1.75
Sequence Parameters and Options: 0.50
StudyModule 2 [2.25 credits]:
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging: 2.25
Image Production: 2.25
Physical Principles of Image Formation: 2.25
StudyModule 3 [2.50 credits]:
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging: 2.50
Safety: 0.25
MRI Screening and Safety: 0.25
Image Production: 1.50
Physical Principles of Image Formation: 1.50
Procedures: 0.75
Neurological: 0.25
Body: 0.25
Musculoskeletal: 0.25
StudyModule 4 [3 credits]:
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging: 3.00
Image Production: 3.00
Data Acquisition, Processing, and Storage: 3.00
StudyModule 5 [2.75 credits]:
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging: 2.75
Image Production: 2.75
Sequence Parameters and Options: 2.75
StudyModule 6 [2.25 credits]:
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging: 2.25
Image Production: 2.25
Physical Principles of Image Formation: 0.25
Sequence Parameters and Options: 2.00
StudyModule 7 [2.25 credits]:
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging: 2.25
Image Production: 2.25
Sequence Parameters and Options: 1.25
Data Acquisition, Processing, and Storage: 1.00
StudyModule 8 [2.75 credits]:
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging: 2.75
Image Production: 2.50
Data Acquisition, Processing, and Storage: 2.50
Procedures: 0.25
Neurological: 0.25
StudyModule 9 [4 credits]:
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging: 4.00
Patient Care: 1.50
Patient Interactions and Management: 1.50
Safety: 2.50
MRI Screening and Safety: 2.50
StudyModule 10 [3.50 credits]:
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging: 3.50
Procedures: 3.50
Neurological: 2.75
Body: 0.75 - Registered Radiologist Assistant: 2.50
Procedures: 2.50
Abdominal Section: 0.50
Neurological, Vascular, and Lymphatic Sections: 2.00 - Radiation Therapy: 1.00
Procedures: 1.00
Treatment Sites and Tumors: 1.00
StudyModule 11 [3.25 credits]:
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging: 3.00
Procedures: 3.00
Neurological: 0.25
Body: 0.50
Musculoskeletal: 2.25 - Registered Radiologist Assistant: 2.25
Procedures: 2.25
Thoracic Section: 0.25
Musculoskeletal and Endocrine Sections: 1.75
Neurological, Vascular, and Lymphatic Sections: 0.25 - Radiation Therapy: 1.00
Procedures: 1.00
Treatment Sites and Tumors: 1.00
StudyModule 12 [2.25 credits]:
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging: 2.25
Image Production: 2.25
Physical Principles of Image Formation: 2.25