Imaging of Atypical Pneumonia

The terminology ‘atypical pneumonia’ is defined, the common microorganisms belonging to this group are identified (including the cause of the recent coronavirus pandemic), and the main clinical and imaging features are presented.

Course ID: Q00671 Category:
Modalities: ,


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Targeted CE per ARRT’s Discipline, Category, and Subcategory classification:

Computed Tomography: 2.75
Procedures: 2.75
Neck and Chest: 2.75

Radiography: 2.75
Procedures: 2.75
Thorax and Abdomen Procedures: 2.75

Registered Radiologist Assistant: 2.75
Procedures: 2.75
Thoracic Section: 2.75


  1. Introduction
  2. What Does Atypical Pneumonia Mean
  3. Atypical Bacterial and Viral Pneumonias
  4. Nonzoonotic Atypical Bacterial Pneumonias
    1. Mycoplasma Pneumonia
    2. Legionella Pneumonia
    3. Chlamydia Pneumonia
  5. Zoonotic Atypical Bacterial Pneumonias
    1. Tularemia
    2. Psittacosis
    3. Q Fever
  6. Viral Pneumonias
    1. Influenza Pneumonia
    2. Avian Influenza (H5N1) Pneumonia
    3. Swine Influenza (H1N1) Pneumonia
    4. Parainfluenza Pneumonia
    5. RSV Pneumonia
    6. Adenovirus Pneumonia
    7. Human Metapneuovirus Pneumonia
    8. Coronaviruses
      1. Severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
      2. Middle East Respiratory Syndrome
      3. Coronavirus Disease 2019
  7. Imaging Atypical Pneumonias
  8. Conclusion


Upon completion of this course, students will:

  1. be familiar with the percentage of community-acquired pneumonia cases linked to atypical bacteria
  2. identify three subgroups based on the clinical context in which the patient develops symptoms of infection
  3. be able to define community-acquired pneumonia (CAP)
  4. identify the common causes of CAP
  5. be familiar with the US and Japan guidelines for management of CAP
  6. be familiar with the zoonotic atypical pneumonias
  7. be familiar with the original radiological use of the term “atypical pneumonia”
  8. be familiar with who is credited with popularizing the term “atypical pneumonia”
  9. be familiar with the classification for the mode of transmission for atypical pneumonia
  10. identify the most common nonzoonotic causes of atypical bacterial pneumonia
  11. identify the most common zoonotic bacterial causes of atypical bacterial pneumonia
  12. be familiar with the lab findings associated with L pneumoniae
  13. be familiar with the viruses causing atypical pneumoniae
  14. identify a true viral zoonotic infection pathogen
  15. be familiar with the chest radiograph findings of patients infected with mycoplasma pneumonias
  16. identify the zoonotic reservoir for the pathogen F-tularensis
  17. recognize the laboratory findings for patients presenting with Q-fever
  18. identify the reservoir for patients presenting with the influenza virus
  19. be familiar with Q fever
  20. be familiar with the structure of the adenovirus
  21. be familiar with Legionnaires disease
  22. identify the reservoir for MERS-Cov
  23. be familiar with the structure of SARS-Cov 1 and MERS-CoV
  24. recognize the extrapulmonary manifestations commonly associated with Legionella spp
  25. recognize the clinical manifestation that is a distinguishing feature for patients presenting with chlamydia pneumonias
  26. be familiar with chest radiograph findings on patients presenting with C pneumoniae
  27. be familiar with chest radiograph findings on patients presenting with adenovirus
  28. identify the clinical suspicions related to zoonotic pneumonias
  29. be familiar with the CT findings for patients presenting with C psittaci
  30. be familiar with the workers historically exposed to psittacosis
  31. be familiar with the rarity of Q fever
  32. identify the viruses that most commonly affect humans
  33. be familiar with the types of influenza viruses
  34. identify the subtype of the influenza A virus responsible for avian influenza pneumonia
  35. identify the subtype of the novel-swine origin influenza A virus first reported in Mexico in 2009
  36. be familiar with the reservoir for adenoviruses
  37. be familiar with the COVID-19 virus
  38. be familiar with the CT findings on patients presenting with COVID-19
  39. be familiar with the role of CT for diagnosing patients with CAP
  40. recognize the role of CT during the initial stages of the COVID-19 pandemic